Friday, February 15, 2008


I seem to be getting calmer, at least for the moment. My wife had a doctor's appointment this morning. Nothing serious, or unusual compared to her first pregnancy, but they are doing a few more tests and mentioned the possibility of her not working anymore until the birth.

Now I had a slight freak out moment. I know that it's important to follow the doctor's advice. But I also know that she is unemployed come June and everyday off is less of a chance for her to get a position for next year. Now, realize that the last part is really only true in my head.

And I know that.

I just forget sometimes.

I know that her chances for a job next year likely rest more on the funding for that position than anything else.

I just forget sometimes.

I know that I have a wonderful wife and an incredible son. And we both have families that will support us in any way they can.

I never forget that.

I will admit that this blogging thing seems to help. Even I realize how absurd some of my wonderings and anxieties sound when they are written to the world to see. OK, maybe not the world, but I'm sure those two people who have read this feel that way. Assuming they stuck around long enough.

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