Saturday, March 15, 2008

Freakin Wind

Can someone explain to me how the wind in Delware can blow in three different directions in the span of two and a half hours. My loving, supportive wife had relieved me of my responsibilities to her and the kids for the afternoon, so I headed out for a nice 40-mile tour. Out through Magnolia and cross 13, passed the winery in Felton (No, I'm not kidding.) and out towards Caroline County.

And suffering in the wind, one of the toughest days I've had on the Eastern Shore. Heart rate pegged trying to keep 19 mph. All the way looking forward to the way East and a lovely tailwind.

It wasn't to be. The head wind just got worse with every turn. Finally broke me with about 10 to go. Just bonked, nothing left in the tank.

I swear I saw a flag tied in a knot around a pole. How does that happen?

Never thought the day would come when I would look forward to hills. At least they end.

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