Tuesday, April 8, 2008

Kids a Junkie.

That's right the three year old is hooked. Needs it first thing in the morning and it's the last thing he asks for at night. We're trying to keep it under control, but he's getting to be an ornery little bugger. And that tropical flavored Triaminic is rough stuff.

Apparently there is a cold being passed around day care. Only a matter of time before I have to take a day off because the day care lasy is a little fragile. She's just starting out, hasn't built up the immune system yet.

But the kid is a trooper. He's gotten up the last three days sounding like an 80-year old man with emphysema. Hack, hack, cough, cough. By the time we made the five minute trip to daycare this morning he had snot covering both hands and dripping off his chin. At least he's learned to cover his mouth.

I don't know what has changed, but apparently the anxieties are under control this week. Last week was rough, one step away from my wife either having me committed, or just running me down with the car for the insurance. I think with everything going on with the family in NJ, work being a little stressful and not working out much just piled on until the camel collapsed under the stack.

Done in by straw, how's that for a metaphor for letting the little things get to you?

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