Wednesday, April 30, 2008

Mr. Mom, Day 1

OK, so it's actually day three of this little bonding experience, but this is the first chance I have had to type anything. It surprising how not being at work can be so tiring. I definitely have a new respoect for stay at home Mom's. I'm in the first week of a four week stint, and I'm already tired. And I'm already sure that I'm going to miss being home with the little one, which surprises me.

See, with both of the kids I have been back at work within a day or two of birth. Not out of some sense of duty, but there just wasn't anything for me to do. I get bored easily. Well, that's not really the case. I think saying that I need more than one thing to occupy my mind is a better way to put it. You know the type, I can only work in my office with the radio on, even though I don;t really listen to it. ADD, focus problems, whatever you want to call it. Give me one thing to concentrate on doing and I'm likely going to screw it up because my mind is trying to figure out our finances for the next six months while my eyes are trying to read the latest on why this plastic bottle is bad for you. What was I saying?

No idea. Anyway, this blog thing has lasted longer than I thought it would. Though I doubt my rambling all over the place musings are of interest to anyone, I've put down more than I thought I would.

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